Freedom Mindset

10 Questions To End Your Year Intentionally (with music)

With Lydia Lee

This is my favourite time of the year to reflect and sit with a cup of hot tea.

Christmas isn’t a big crazy holiday here in Bali, so I’m not being trampled at the mall or experiencing an increase of “add to cart” vibes on Amazon.

If this year has instigated a feeling for more rest and need for spaciousness, I do hope you’re embracing these moments of silence to sit with a mug of hot something too.

I’ve learned that it’s impossible to gain clarity on a fresh vision for the new year if I haven’t taken the time to rest and reflect.

I would love to invite you to unplug and reconnect with yourself for a moment with 10 questions to help you end your year intentionally.

Take all the time you need…you can ask yourself these questions in one sitting or come back to them whenever you can.

To help you get in the zone, I’ve curated a playlist for you below.

Have You Turned The Music On?

Great…grab a piece of paper or a notepad.

 Let’s begin.

1. What do I want to thank 2020 for helping me realize that’s important to me?

2. What have I learned most about myself this year?

3. What am I most proud of in the last 12 months? What strengths will I rely on to take forward to 2021?

4.  What have I been avoiding or afraid to do? Where did fear creep in to hold me back from something I really wanted?

5. Is there something weighing on my heart and mind, or a person I need to forgive? (this person may also be yourself.)

6. What’s one dream that I’ve put in the back-burner? How come?

7. When was I out of alignment with my values?

8. How has my vision for my life evolved? How would I like to honour this vision next year?

9. What’s one word I want to choose to be a beacon of what I want to experience in 2021? (this core values word list can help.)

10. Who’s been in my corner this year and supported me in ways I’ve truly appreciated? Who do I need to send a personal “thank you” to? (go call them or send them a note right now.)

I Hope You’ve Enjoyed This Beautiful Reflection Time You’ve Gifted Yourself Today.

Did you experience anything interesting that came up for you when you asked yourself these questions?

Do share it with me 🙂

Have a wonderful holiday season. Eat some cake. Forgive your mistakes. Be kind to yourself and those around you.


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