Solopreneur Strategies

How to Thrive with a Small Audience

With Lydia Lee

In today’s fast-paced digital world, many entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that bigger is always better.

That having a massive audience is the key to success.

We’ve been conditioned to chase numbers—larger follower counts, massive email lists, and sky-high engagement metrics.

But you don’t have to wait till you have a big audience to sell your work online.

You can still create high income with a small audience.

When I first filled up my coaching practice many years ago, I had 50 people on my email list. I didn’t know diddly squat about SEO, optimizing my blogs, or any of those fancy tactics.

What I did know a lot about is how to connect with people.

And that is how I’ve always defined “marketing” in my business: The Art of Understanding People.

In fact, when you have a small audience, it can work in your favour.

You can create more intimacy when others are automating everything.

You can use it to gain insights into what motivates them.

You can actually converse with people who engage with you (*gasp…a REAL human behind the emails??). 😉

So today, I want to share awesome ways you can leverage a small audience and create opportunities to turn them into great customers.

Here are some of the golden takeaways when you watch the video:

💗 Intimacy Over Mass Marketing: One of the benefits of having a smaller audience is the ability to connect deeply with every individual. In a world obsessed with mass reach, choosing to focus on intimate connections can be your unique selling proposition. Your audience will value the trust and deep connection built over time.

📢 Choosing Aligned Platforms: It’s not about being everywhere but being where you thrive. Learn how to select platforms that align with your strengths and personality, so that it allows you to authentically engage with your community.

🔑 Audience Feedback as a Goldmine: How to use the intimacy you have with your small audience to gain feedback. Their questions, concerns, and suggestions can become invaluable content prompts, ensuring you always deliver what they seek.

✍🏽 Content Planning with an Ideas Bank: Ever found yourself scrambling for content ideas? A content bank can be your lifeline. Plan, store, and execute your content strategies effortlessly by having a structured bank filled with relevant ideas and themes.

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