Raves & testimonials

"Being scared is no longer part of my state of mind."

Lydia will get you out of your comfort zone quicker than you think. Lydia has helped me have faith in my skills and experience and use it in a way I feel comfortable to create my own company. I used to be scared to put myself out there, online, and scared to ‘sell’ myself in front of a public. Thanks to Lydia’s coaching method being scared is no longer part of my state of mind. She unlocked the go-getter in me and I couldn’t be more thankful. I am now ready to put myself out there and talk about my business with confidence.

Sophia Darkaoui

Learning & Development Consultant

"I no longer have any excuses to keep playing it small!"

Lydia strikes the right balance of compassion and non-nonsense ‘reality-check’ advice that has gently supported me in taking back my own power in my life. She has guided me to look more honestly at myself and how I react to challenging situations that crop up in my life, helping me to identify the lessons that are blocking me from moving forward and creating my dream life.

Lydia’s coaching came along at the right time when I was ready to go beyond ‘sugar-coated’ support and suggestions from friends and step up into taking full responsibility for what I was experiencing in my life. She is committed to helping me know my own value and her coaching facilitates me in a step-by-step process of moving into a new line of work that expresses my full potential and gifts. I no longer have any excuses to keep playing it small!

Diane Hopkins

Speaker & International Book Coach

"I presented my new business idea to a packed room."

I started to work with Lydia after a four month break from working on my business. After four weeks of coaching with Lydia – and after busting a few fears with her – I had a brand / logo, website mock-up and pitch developed and I presented my new business idea to a room packed with people. She’s intelligent, has a massive amount of knowledge and she’s extremely focused which is something I really value.

Louise Graham

Marketing Consultant

"She opened my eyes to the possibility to all that I can achieve."

I didn’t know where my business was heading. I knew that I wanted to grow, but I didn’t really know where to get started. Having Lydia as a coach, accountability partner, and now (what I consider to be) my friend helped me to open my eyes to the possibility of all that I can achieve. Lydia was such a great coach. She really helped me gain clarity in my own coaching practice. She has a no-nonsense but she clearly wants me to succeed. I feel like I found a lifelong friend.

Amber Smith

Coach, Climb Out Of The Cubicle