April 14 – 18, 2024

The Bali Retreat

Let’s adventure, plan, and amplify your business in Bali

With Lydia Lee

Your invitation to get off the hustle train + build a more easeful business on your terms.

Join me in beautiful Ubud, Bali for a retreat experience to envision, create, and plan your dream life and business.

We’ll reconnect you with what matters most to your happiness, life satisfaction, and align how you want your business to give back to the life you want.

This will be a sanctuary where your mind can find clarity and your heart will sense your intuition for how you want to create your next big thing in your business.

We’re told to do more to earn more. Be online everywhere, hustle every day…

…spend more time on social platforms or launching more products.

What if being successful and having a great business means earning money doing things you not only find enjoyable but can powerfully impact the goals you have with your work?

Or marketing in a genuine way that connects you with the right people (and not just building more numbers on your email list)?

Or creating one powerful offer where you master your expertise instead of selling more things?

What if there was a new and easeful approach to being profitable but not hustling your way through it all?

Tired, defeated, uninspired, overwhelmed, or alone.

I have taught and mentored hundreds of creative business owners, and we all, at some point, feel the same way.

I believe, with all of my heart, that the most effective prescription for this is the combination of support and space to take your foot off the pedal, and gain some fresh perspective.

I had always longed for a retreat like this.

It seemed like everywhere I turned…

…the business advice I heard was focused on how to do more, be more, be everywhere, and hustle every day. I was left wishing for a space where I could do the opposite.

I longed to turn off my phone, turn off the ego-centred demands of ‘business’, and reconnect with my purpose, my spirit, and with friends who were craving more simplicity and ease.

I decided it was time to create this experience, for myself, and for others who crave a different way of doing business.

A space for deep thinking, meaningful conversations, and co-creating with others.

The Bali Retreat will be intentionally intimate, with very limited spaces available. We’ll stay together in a comforting, gorgeous tropical home tucked away in Bali.

We’ll eat the most delicious organic food, immerse in poolside chats, feel the tropical breeze on our faces, and gather together to rejuvenate our spirits under the sun.

There will be strategic sessions to expand your work vision, creative vision and planning, journaling, reflective pauses, and insightful discussions about the work you want to build.

“When you leave, you’ll feel rested, restored, supported and energized. Maybe even pushed and challenged to think differently. Together, we’ll feel centered and confident in the business we’re called to build for our lives.”

This retreat in Bali is the perfect place to explore:

Your Next Chapter Of Work

Your knowledge, skills, and experience are constantly evolving. Through conversations and discussions, you’ll understand how your body of work is growing and how to weave your gifts into valuable offers for your clients.

Screw the Cubicle - Lydia Lee Career Transition Coach

Your Next Big Thing In Your Business

It’s not easy to work ON your business when you’re busy working IN your business day to day. You’ll have the time and space to look at the bigger picture and connect deeply with how you want to design a business that sparks joy, creativity, and purpose.

Your Community & Relationships

We need great people to help us do great things. Fostering relationships and building community is so essential for every business owner. We’ll talk about the collaborators and partners that can help you expand your work business is just WAY more fun when you do it with like-minded people (you’ll likely find some of them at the retreat!).

Your Next-Level Lifestyle

Your business should give you the freedom to create the life you want. How do you want to work in a way that gives you time for other priorities in your life? What type of schedule works for you that honours the rhythm and seasons of your life? We’ll dig into designing your business to fit the lifestyle you desire.

If you’re ready to explore a more easeful way to run your business without sacrificing your well-being & values, the 2024 Bali Retreat was made for you.

It’s time to reclaim our freedom, and I am honoured to hold the space. I cannot wait to meet you there.

EXTENDED: Early Bird Rate: $3,000
(Retreat Date: April 14-18,2024)

Take advantage of the EXTENDED early bird rate before Feb 9, 2024. You can also choose a payment plan option of 2 x payments of $1,550 USD (first payment upon registering and final payment 60 days before arrival).

After Feb 9, 2024, the price will go up to $3,300 or a payment plan of 2 x payments of $1,700 USD (first payment upon registering and final payment 60 days before arrival).

*spots are limited to 10 people to maintain intimacy & personal attention

Pre-retreat coaching prep kit + group call with Lydia to get the most out of your retreat experience

Breakfast, lunch, and snacks daily (you’ll have time to explore on your own during the evenings)

Airport transfers – pick up and drop off (or transport to another location in Bali if you’re staying longer)

4 Nights/5 Days stay in a private room in Ubud, Bali

Group excursion to explore and adventure in Bali

Creative learning and planning sessions to amplify your business vision

Deep dive conversations as we gather and co-create your business together

On-demand 1:1 coaching with Lydia throughout the retreat

Time for reflection on your core desires for life and business

…and most of all…our support, sounding board, and strategic exploration to help you create a meaningful business you love.

What’s not included

Your flight to and from Bali, Indonesia

Any excursions or shopping during your downtime or days off

Dinners except for Welcome Dinner on the first evening

Your investment

EXTENDED: Early Bird Rate: $3,000
(Retreat Date: April 14-18, 2024)

Take advantage of the EXTENDED early bird rate before Feb 9, 2024. You can also choose a payment plan option of 2 x payments of $1,550 USD (first payment upon registering and final payment 60 days before arrival).

After Feb 9, 2024, the price will go up to $3,300 or a payment plan of 2 x payments of $1,700 USD (first payment upon registering and final payment 60 days before arrival).

The low-down

We’ll deep dive, mastermind, and plan together. Plus, we’ll have time for rest, reflection, and soul-nurturing activities.

When you land in Bali, you’ll be picked up at the airport and be whizzed to our gorgeous villa in Ubud.  You’ll get a post-plane ride massage to relax, chill by the pool, and meet Lydia for our group evening dinner. It’ll be a wonderful time to connect with your fellow retreaters, share your intentions, and ease into the tropical space you’ll call home for the week.

We’ll start with a hearty breakfast and spend the day honing in and discussing our vision for our life and work. There will be plenty of opportunity for masterminding and deep diving into how you want to create your body of work + creative expression.

This day, we’ll realign soulful goals to the way you build and grow your business.

We’ll talk about your packages, how you can market authentically, share your voice, find great clients, and get excited about how you show up in your business!

Surprising things may show up this day, like a revival of a project you’ve been putting off in the backburner, or getting brave to launch something you didn’t think you were ready for.

Breakfast, lunch, coffee/tea, and snacks will be provided. In the evening, you’ll be free to explore Ubud and have dinner with other retreaters or choose to spend a quiet night in.

Then we’ll have an epic afternoon together while utilizing the ‘power of pause’ to reconnect you back to what really matters most to you.

We gather to nurture new friendships and share unexplored visions for your business.  This is an opportunity for you to talk things out, get immense feedback, and get unstuck from mindset issues or beliefs that hold you back from building the business of your dreams.

We get together for masterminding, discussion, and strategic planning.  Taking what you’ve reflected and masterminded with the group, we’ll work together to create an aligned plan of action (and a way you can get to your goals by being more of YOU).

You’ll get lots of focused coaching with group coaching hot seats where you’ll have the collective intelligence of me + other business owners to carve out strategic steps to take to inspired action in your business.

In the evening, there’ll be free time to explore local eats, markets and shops or simply chill out by the pool.

After breakfast, you’ll get an opportunity to create accountability for your goals through our group sharing and support session. You’ll learn how to get help for what you need and put rituals in place to reach your goals when you return home.

Before we depart in the afternoon, we’ll celebrate all the insights you have gathered in our intimate time together.  You’ll have the chance to join in optional opportunities or simply gather with the new friends you’ve made at the retreat over lunch before you head home or to your next destination.

Ready to say yes?