Freedom Mindset

Why Perfectionism Will Destroy Your Progress

With Lydia Lee

“Has Perfectionism Been Blocking You From Doing Something That Matters?”

Perfectionism keeps us stuck in not feeling good enough, and then we end up procrastinating on what we really want to do.

As a fellow recovering perfectionist, I know how much perfectionism has been a bottleneck to my own success, and you’re not alone.

Perfectionism whispers lies into our ears like “You have to learn more things to be an expert”, or “You have to get it right or you’ve failed!”

If you keep waiting to take the perfect action, you’ll end up not taking any action at all, and create a self fulfilling prophecy that’ll have you believing that you’re not good enough to get things done.

Tools To Overcome Perfectionism

Watch the video above to learn:

  • The mindset shift you need to eradicate perfectionism.
  • How to aim for progress instead of perfect outcomes to avoid procrastination.
  • How to build the habits you need to gain momentum for your goals.

FREE TRAININGHow To Launch A Business You Love.

Learn how to build a profitable and purposeful business designed from your strengths, values, and personality.


Resources To Help You Take The Next Steps

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a New Business Owner: – watch the video here.

Stop Fear From Sabotaging Your Dreams: – watch this video here.

🚀 Lydia’s 90 Day Launch Program. Want to start a business you’ll love?  I’m accepting applications now to work with me and learn how to create, build, and grow your meaningful business. Apply for a Free 30-Minute Discovery Call to see if it’s the right fit for you!

💡 Sign up to my FREE TRAINING on How To Launch A Business You Love (designed from your strengths, values, and personality!).

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