Your Business Type
You’re “The Strategist”!
You were born to come up with great ideas and design a pathway to fulfill a big vision
Your best characteristics and value you offer includes creative thinking, problem-solving, communicating clearly, collaboration with different types of people and roles, thinking conceptually and practically.
Being curious and figuring out how things can be done better is one of your most sought after superpowers.
You prefer having few clients where you offer high-level strategy, but not being solely responsible for execution – you rather be the one coming up with ideas!
Therefore, you’re best suited to work with with a team or a few decision makers, where your scope of work has boundaries and you’re specialized in offering creative strategy and planning for specific projects.
You have a knack for seeing the big picture for high-level goals, and are capable of planning the roadmap to successfully achieve them.
Having this type of CLARITY can be HUGELY helpful when planning out WHAT Type of Business You Should Start.
Hold up …let me introduce myself!
Hello, hello 👋
My name is Lydia Lee.
I’m the Work Reinvention Coach & Freedom Instigator from Screw The Cubicle.
Since 2013, I’ve helped hundreds of corporate escapees repurpose their skills into independent careers they love, so they can have the lifestyle dreams they truly desire.
People always say to me, “Lydia, I’d love to design a business to support the life I want, but right now I’m not even sure what business to start!”
And that led me down the path of creating this Quiz & Assessment, so you can get instant clarity about the TYPE of service-based business that’s right for YOU, right now.
Ready to get a little personal?
Read On To Learn Even More About Your “Genius-Zone” & How You Can Apply It To Your Ideal Business Type.
Your Unique Superpower & Strengths To Leverage
Challenges To Watch Out For As You Build Your Business
Ideal products
Ideal Products & Services To Offer Based On Your Personality
Your Superpower Advantage
Marrying Business With Creativity
You have that rare combination of left and right brain strength. You’re good at what you do, but you also love the rush you get from coming up with new ideas to make your business even better.
Trusted Expert & Specialist
Clients hire you because they expect you to have more expertise than their company’s internal teams or because they do not have the bandwidth of resources or time to solve the problems at hand. When you’re able to exhibit the knowledge you have for this particular area of expertise, you’ll sell yourself with ease.
Your analytical brain, research skills, communication, and team-building strengths are tremendous assets you’ll use to develop services and products to solve complex problems effectively.
Ideas Generator
You’re filled with great and innovative ideas. Your innate curiosity supports you in finding and creating solutions that other people don’t always think about.
“Know your strengths and take advantage of them.” ~ Greg Norman
Your Challenges
Pricing For The Value Of Your Services
You may fall into the trap of charging hourly for your time instead of value-based pricing (the real value of the outcome of your work)
Finding Clients
It’s often feast-or-famine when it comes to client projects. How do you get more? How do you find better-paying clients? How do you get the perfect clients? You may get overwhelmed just thinking about where to start.
A Defined Niche
You may be trying to market your services too generally or to a wide range of industries, resulting in people feeling unclear about what you’re known for and who you’re best to serve.
A Clear Scope Of Work
Because you’re a great problem solver, you may try to solve all your client’s problems. You may feel pulled in different directions because you aren’t clear about which stage of a project you come into or focused milestones that support you in having structure in your work.
Your “Genius-Zone” offerings
For someone who’s “The Strategist”, the ideal products to focus on creating and selling are things like…
Private Consulting
Where you take on a number of clients and consult with them to share your expertise and help them move forward on specific projects. These projects can be short or long-term, depending on your preference for ideal working relationships. Likely, your consulting clients will come from great referrals and relationships you build in your industry.
Agency Model
Where you have a small or big team of people working under the ‘umbrella’ of an agency to implement strategy for clients. You may position your role as the main strategist of your agency but have other client tasks done by your team. An agency model allows you to grow your capacity from private consulting while supporting you to stick to your genius zone as a business owner.
Partnerships & Collaborations
Where you work with aligned partners and collaborators who may share a similar audience, and your expertise combines well with theirs. Together, you offer even greater value to the end customer. For example, if you’re a Branding Consultant, you could partner up with Web Designers to create offers together, benefiting from cross-promotion and offering something unique in the marketplace.
In case you’re curious…
The other Service-Based Business Profiles include The Educator, The Producer, The Coach, and The Community Builder.
But the one I would recommend you consider starting with (based on the little I know about you from this assessment) would be right here in “The Strategist” genius-zone.
Do you have secondary strengths and gifts in other realms? I bet you’re a multifaceted human, so it’s very likely!
You can marry your top strengths together to produce even more unique ways of giving value in your business.
For example, you could have a primary business type of “The Strategist”, but could use your secondary “Producer” strength to offer even higher value to your clients. Not only will you be a valuable ‘second brain’ to strategize and help them formulate great ideas, but you’ll also be a do-er that takes action on producing projects for them – this makes you a secret weapon for any business!
So there you have it
The big A to your Q: What Type of Service-Business Should You Start…
There’s an important next step you need to take
Because it’s one big mistake most people make at the beginning process of starting a business…
And it breaks my heart because I know it can take years to discover this mistake (I certainly did it!)…and during that time, it can cost you time, money, stress, and the crappy feelings of self-doubt.
It comes down to an important decision you need to make BEFORE starting your business.
And that decision isn’t WHAT…not what to build or what to create in your business.
It’s actually WHO…as in, the type of human you should serve!
In other words, your marketplace…your NICHE.
Most people forget that as a service-based business, your focus is on PEOPLE.
They spend all their time on WHAT to create and build to sell, and almost zero time zooming into the exact type of ‘soulmate’ client they want to help.
When You Know Your “WHO”, You’ll Get Clear On…
What they’re actively seeking to invest in
What they need to solve their problems (and how they’re talking about it)
What type of offer you’ll create to serve and offer high value
How to craft the right message to invite ideal customers to work with you
Serving the right person and learning how to help them best, is the core of what I guide students to do in my 90 Day Launch Academy.
Learn more about the 6-Phase ‘Idea To Launch’ Foundations I teach to help you launch a meaningful business that you may not be learning anywhere else….take a peek!