Your Business Type
You’re “The Community Builder”!
You’re a natural-born connector
Author Malcolm Gladwell popularized the term “connector” in his book The Tipping Point, defining the word as “someone who knows many people” – this is you!
Supporting others and coming up with creative solutions is your jam. You love people and facilitating genuine community connection makes you giddy.
You know you’re not the only person with all the answers. You value the inclusion of different people’s perspectives and ideas towards a common goal or cause.
You’re highly flexible, compassionate, and love working in a team-oriented environment.
Because you’re great at building relationships, you have a knack for spotting talent, partnerships, and collaborators!
You believe in bringing human beings together to build strong bonds, create connections, and you’re driven by a desire to build a better sense of belonging across the world.
You’re a driver and a great communicator for activating big ideas. You have a love for using the power of collaboration to bring just the right people towards a common goal. You’re not just a networker, your secret sauce is *curating* relationships and communities that share similar values, even if they live and work in different circles.
What comes easy for you? Organizing events and experiences (online and offline) to bring people together, whether it’s through learning, supporting, or connecting through a like-minded community.
Having this type of CLARITY can be HUGELY helpful when planning out WHAT Type of Business You Should Start.
Hold up …let me introduce myself!
Hello, hello 👋
My name is Lydia Lee.
I’m the Work Reinvention Coach & Freedom Instigator from Screw The Cubicle.
Since 2013, I’ve helped hundreds of corporate escapees repurpose their skills into independent careers they love, so they can have the lifestyle dreams they truly desire.
People always say to me, “Lydia, I’d love to design a business to support the life I want, but right now I’m not even sure what business to start!”
And that led me down the path of creating this Quiz & Assessment, so you can get instant clarity about the TYPE of service-based business that’s right for YOU, right now.
Ready to get a little personal?
Read On To Learn Even More About Your “Genius-Zone” & How You Can Apply It To Your Ideal Business Type.
Your Unique Superpower & Strengths To Leverage
Challenges To Watch Out For As You Build Your Business
Ideal products
Ideal Products & Services To Offer Based On Your Personality
Your Superpower Advantage
Powerful Connector
Because of your relationship-focused mindset, you gain a strong level of credibility and trust from your network, and in return, you rely on them to support your endeavours. Your power as a connector ensures you have great advocates around you for your work, and they value the great people they meet through you too.
Your analytical brain, research skills, communication, and team-building strengths are tremendous assets you’ll use to develop services and products to solve complex problems effectively.
High Empathy
You’re an excellent listener, highly in-tuned with understanding the needs of others, and committed to the growth of the members of your community – products and services you create are well-validated because you take the time to research and talk to people about their problems.
Curator Of Resources & Assets
You’re capable of developing ways to apply new knowledge in creative ways to support others. You thrive in creating frameworks, systems, and resources to lead people towards a common goal. Designing high-value experiences are your jam!
“Know your strengths and take advantage of them.” ~ Greg Norman
Your Challenges
Finding A Profitable Format
You may get so invested in building a community and forget that it should also be profitable as a business! It’s good to have free communities to create value for others but being able to transition members to paid community experiences will help you be purposeful and profitable as a business owner.
Believing You Have To Be An Extrovert
Connectors and community builders do not need to be extroverts! Many introverts can honour their own way to do it. They leverage their ‘quiet power’ like natural listening skills to make people feel heard. They are able to focus their attention on the person in front of them. All of these innately introverted qualities are advantages when it comes to connecting with a community.
Having A Clear “Framework”
Creating a ‘general’ community won’t serve you if you want to have a big impact. Developing a framework for how you want to lead people to a common goal is necessary to be known for something specific. Co-creating with members of your community to discover what’s valuable for them to invest in learning to do can be crucial for developing a product people want to buy.
Having Boundarings & Saying “No”
Because of your genuine care for others, you may take on too much personal responsibility for other people’s success. At times, you can find it hard to find the fine line between caring and caring too much. You can still be generous to others, but having guidelines and boundaries will ensure you’re not operating from an empty cup so that you can show up for others without resentment.
Your “Genius-Zone” offerings
For someone who’s “The Community Builder”, the ideal products to focus on creating and selling are things like…
Community Membership
Where you create a membership site is a great way to drive recurring revenue and build your online community. It can be a hub where members can access learning content and an exclusive community for a recurring fee. Creative additions like guest speakers, monthly challenges, co-working sessions, or member meetups to maximize value for long-term participation!
Community Courses
Where you create a learning experience with a specific framework for a community to grow and learn together. It can be created as an enrollment-based or evergreen model. You may not be the sole ‘teacher’ – for example, you may position your role as a host, and curate leaders, teachers, and additional educators to teach.
Events & Workshops
Where you create live learning experiences (online and offline) focused on bite-sized topics or a particular objective. Common formats are hosted in 1-3 hour sessions, half-days, or full days. These are valuable to offer as a bite-sized experience to generate interest for your bigger programs.
In case you’re curious…
The other Service-Based Business Profiles include The Educator, The Producer, The Coach, and The Strategist.
But the one I would recommend you consider starting with (based on the little I know about you from this assessment) would be right here in “The Community Builder” genius-zone.
Do you have secondary strengths and gifts in other realms? I bet you’re a multifaceted human, so it’s very likely!
You can marry your top strengths together to produce even more unique ways of giving value in your business.
For example, you can be a primary business type of The Community Builder but could also use your secondary “Educator” brain to offer even higher value to your clients. Like focusing on interactive courses vs. DIY courses, but designing a valuable ecosystem of a community that not only learns together but lends their collective intelligence to other members – this makes your business offering unique in the marketplace!
So there you have it
The big A to your Q: What Type of Service-Business Should You Start…
There’s an important next step you need to take
Because it’s one big mistake most people make at the beginning process of starting a business…
And it breaks my heart because I know it can take years to discover this mistake (I certainly did it!)…and during that time, it can cost you time, money, stress, and the crappy feelings of self-doubt.
It comes down to an important decision you need to make BEFORE starting your business.
And that decision isn’t WHAT…not what to build or what to create in your business.
It’s actually WHO…as in, the type of human you should serve!
In other words, your marketplace…your NICHE.
Most people forget that as a service-based business, your focus is on PEOPLE.
They spend all their time on WHAT to create and build to sell, and almost zero time zooming into the exact type of ‘soulmate’ client they want to help.
When You Know Your “WHO”, You’ll Get Clear On…
What they’re actively seeking to invest in
What they need to solve their problems (and how they’re talking about it)
What type of offer you’ll create to serve and offer high value
How to craft the right message to invite ideal customers to work with you
Serving the right person and learning how to help them best, is the core of what I guide students to do in my 90 Day Launch Academy.
Learn more about the 6-Phase ‘Idea To Launch’ Foundations I teach to help you launch a meaningful business that you may not be learning anywhere else….take a peek!