Solopreneur Strategies

How To Plan Your Week With Calendar Blocks And Theme Days

With Lydia Lee

Planning Your Week Ahead Will Ensure You’re Productive, Even With Limited Time.

If you’re starting your side business working full time, I know it can feel difficult to feel productive when you have a busy schedule.

Your time is precious to you. It’s important to know that you are maximizing the value of the hours you are investing in building your business.

When I was transitioning out of my corporate job, I had to learn ways to not only find time for my business, but to utilize that time efficiently.

I only had about 3 hours per week to work on my side hustle, and I was finding myself feeling frazzled when Monday rolled around.

When I didn’t take the time to plan for my own success, I fell into the trap of looking ‘busy’ but not completing anything I wanted to do at the end of the week.

I thought that multitasking was the way to get things done. But instead, it put more on my plate and I never completed projects – sound familiar?

This is because we lose 40% of our productivity due to Context Switching (doing unrelated tasks and using different parts of your brain in one sitting). It’s unhelpful and decreases our effort to get to our goals faster.

Using Calendar Blocks to create time for what’s important and Theme Days to laser-focus my attention has increased my ability to get things done in less time.

I know that if you learned this concept, you can start to grow your side business to your full-time gig with more ease.

Key Video Takeaways

  • How to spend just 30 minutes to plan out your week with Calendar Blocks so you can prioritize what’s important for you.
  • Why ‘Context Switching’ (i.e. multitasking, jumping from various unrelated tasks) will cost you 40% of your productivity.
  • How to use Theme Days to get more done, create tremendous focus, and gain momentum for your business projects (and feel more complete by the end of the week!).

Resources To Help You Take The Next Steps

How to Stay Committed to Your Goals – watch the video here.

Change Your Habits and Change Your Life – watch this video here.

🚀 Lydia’s 90 Day Launch Program. Want to start a business you’ll love?  I’m accepting applications now to work with me and learn how to create, build, and grow your meaningful business. Apply for a Free 30-Minute Discovery Call to see if it’s the right fit for you!

💡 Sign up to my FREE TRAINING on How To Launch A Business You Love (designed from your strengths, values, and personality!).

🎬 Watch and subscribe to my weekly videos – Screw The Cubicle with Lydia Lee YouTube Channel

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