Meaningful Business

How I Created A ‘Frankenstein’ Of A Business

With Lydia Lee

Seven years ago, when I started my business as a coach, I worked a LOT to create and launch my business.

Why did I work so hard?

I would’ve told you that I thought it was necessary to have a business that looks as good as other coaches.

I would’ve also told you that my historical beliefs from being in an immigrant family mindset, I was taught that in order to reach success, I had to work twice as hard as everyone else.

All of the above is true, and I also know that a big reason I took on so many things on my plate to launch my business was that I thought I had to listen to every single strategy out there to make it.

So I did ALL the things.

I Ended Up Creating A ‘Frankenstein’ Of A Business That Burned Me Out

I had a blog, podcast, video channel, four different social media platforms, and spent a lot of hours attempting to learn algorithms and marketing hacks.

I launched five different things every year and was wiped out before I even started a new program.

I was exhausted at the end of the week and dreaded rinsing and repeating this routine next week.

That changed when I experienced a horrendous burnout during my first year of making six-figures in my business.

I had built an ugly Frankenstein of a business I didn’t want to show up for.

Going through this burnout during the peak of my success at the time was a big wake up call for me.

It was the catalyst that forced me to take a long hard look at how much I was working and what I was actually spending energy on that was depleting my motivation and drive.

That’s When I Discovered That I Was Spending A Lot Of Time Doing Things That Weren’t In My ‘Genius-Zone’

Like trying to figure out those darn algorithms and techy pieces of my business, and ending up being an online marketer instead of doing the real work I was paid to do…coach and teach.

I was spread too thin because I took on so many marketing tactics because “everyone else is doing the same thing, so I have to”.

Instead of focusing on one or two channels to build my audience, I was probably achieving 30% of results because I tried to be everywhere and I wasn’t focused on improving how I showed up in the right platforms that fit my strengths.

[Watch: Can I Market My Business Without Social Media?]

I had so many offers to launch every year that I barely had time to breathe before the next one started.

When I took the time to take stock of my own behaviours and take a pause to see which actions were leading me to either love my business or hate it, that’s when I started laying the groundwork to set myself up in a way that made my business more simple and fulfilling for my life.

I knew that I was happiest when I got to talk to real people instead of an automated process of getting to know my clients.

I identified that I prefer selling through conversations, and being a guest on podcasts felt easy and fun for me to do. Not worrying about algorithms and techy bits I can’t control.

I remembered that intimacy and relationships are kinda my jam. It’s how I relate and connect to humans in real life, so my business needs to feel this way too.

I committed to bringing my value of simplicity, deep work, and minimalism (something I practice in my personal life) to my work, and started focusing on ONE signature offer that allowed me to give my highest value to my clients.

When I gained this awareness, I changed everything in my business. I doubled down on the right activities that brought out my personality and strengths and making money became more easeful.

Looking back, I wish I had the courage to trust myself and take a necessary pause to evaluate HOW I wanted to build my business right from the get-go.

However, going through my burnout and redesigning my business when that happened has completely shifted how I coach others in the starting stage of their business.

Your Ingredients For A Fulfilling Business

Knowing the ingredients you need in a fulfilling business allows you to stop doing stuff that doesn’t lead you to your business goals, stay true to what lights you up, and build a more satisfying pathway to earning a great living.

It’s been so relieving and empowering for new entrepreneurs I’ve worked with to gain insights on the right business model for them, identify how they like to work and give value, choose the right vehicles for what they offer and how they market, and most importantly…focus on strategies and activities that amplify their unique strengths and personalities.

When we design our work to be a true reflection of our values, strengths, and natural abilities, business becomes more meaningful.

We know the difference between what we want to do vs. what we have to do.

This is what helps you to be sustainable in your business, when you get to enjoy the work and how you offer it. And we can eradicate the comparison game to others and stay true to our version of success and how we get there.

So… if you want to build a business you love…

…and if you want to do work that matters to you and impact the lives of others with your gifts…

Come Join me And An Intimate Community In The 90 Day Launch Implementation Group!

We’ll start by identifying the right business with the work you really want to do. You’ll want to be clear on knowing where your best work fits best in the marketplace, that’s in the ‘sweet spot’ of your skills, passion, and the impact you want to make.

I have a whole system for this. You’ll finally feel confident in the direction of business you’re motivated to pursue, that’s meaningful for you.

Then we’ll get clear on your Validation Process. If you want to be confident knowing that people will invest in your business, you need a Validation process that helps you to stop throwing darts in the dark about what to offer in your business.

Next, we work on your Value Creation. You’ll want to have a signature offer that gives your clients amazing results that you can repeat with every single client. You’ll learn how to package your expertise and knowledge to create a value-focused offer instead of charging hourly.

And then we get you ready to be visible to Share Your Vision with the world. Marketing can feel overwhelming, especially when you’ve been peddled complicated tactics and told to be everywhere on the internet.

That’s why we’ll focus on the right platforms, strategy, and an approach that’s aligned with your personality and strengths. This way, you’ll actually enjoy showing up to talk about your business every day.

We’ve got a great intimate group that’s just started together. From mindfulness coaches, course creators, VAs, health coaches, web designers, to behaviour design specialists, the collective intelligence of this group are awesome to gain support from!

I think you’d have a lot of fun building your business with us!

If you’re ready to get started right now, apply for more information about the program here!

I’ll get back to you personally 🙂

– Lydia

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