Inspiring Interviews

Embrace Imperfect Action & Get Over Comparison

With Lydia Lee

How Leigh Haugseth embraced imperfect action to get over comparison when she launched her business.

How do you boldly choose to stay in your own lane and get over the comparison syndrome when you launch your business?

Not only that, but you may be finding yourself believing that you have to do something SO DIFFERENT in order to ‘compete’ with others in your industry.

This was certainly the myth that my 90 Day Launch student, Leigh Haugseth, had in her mind when she was starting her business.

It was what kept her stuck from taking action, until she realized there can be a more easeful approach to how she saw her own strengths in her industry.

This mindset shift is so important for every new business owner…so I invited Leigh to have an intimate conversation with me about how she used the power of imperfect action to get over her comparison monster.

She’s just recently launched her business to use her passion for behavior design to help coaches create a bigger impact not only with their clients, but in how they personally run their own coaching businesses.

And funnily enough, the principles of what she teaches, was EXACTLY what she needed to do in her own business.

In Our Conversation, You’ll Learn:

  • How she got over comparing her business to other experts in her field to carve her own unique approach in the industry.
  • Why she finally gave herself permission to take ‘imperfect action’ to overcome her mindset of ‘getting it right’ the first time.
  • The steps she took to market research and learn deep insights from her ideal clients in order to build her first coaching offer.
  • How beta-testing with real coaching clients BEFORE she launched supported her in feeling confident to charge for her services.
  • A free guide she’s offering for health coaches to create simple marketing using behaviour design principles.

Connect With Leigh Haugseth!

Leigh works with health coaches to help them get amazing results for their clients, and their business, using behavioral science and behavior design.

She has a unique background in engineering (a.k.a. problem solving) and Public Health where she learned about psychology and human health behavior. She trained with the renowned behavior expert Dr. BJ Fogg of Stanford University and wants to bring this knowledge to health coaches.

Simplifying offers and marketing is something she loves to do as well as helping a coach feel relief from overwhelm and renewed energy around talking about their business.

Visit her website and download her free Simple Marketing Guide For Coaches.

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