Inspiring Interviews

Becoming A Nomadic Architect – Corporate Escape Stories

With Lydia Lee

Is There Only One Way To Be An Architect?

This was the question Adi Cohen asked herself when she was working at one of Israel’s most prestigious architecture firms, and realized there must be more to life than sitting behind a desk for 10 hours a day.

She felt stifled in her own creativity working as an architect without experiencing the freedom she longed for – to travel, explore, and learn from global cultures to inspire her own work.

So one day, Adi decided to let go of her identity of being a traditional architect, and embarked on a journey to explore new pathways for how she could reinvent her work to align with her passions and lifestyle choices.

I just knew I had to interview her for my Corporate Escape Stories, and I can’t wait for you to meet her!

My Interview With Adi On Becoming A Nomadic Architect:

  • How she took a leap of faith to follow her curiosity to becoming a nomadic architect and using travel to inspire her one-of-a-kind projects.
  • Reinventing the way she made a living as an architect through using travel to inspire her one-of-a-kind projects.
  • What she does to get global clients to work with her and trust her capabilities even if she’s not in a physical space with them.
  • Why she says “Yes!” to projects even if it’s something she’s not done before, so she can figure out how to do it well with imperfect action.
  • Who she realized were her dream clients and the values they share together which makes them attracted to her.
  • Why she talks to strangers often as a practice of sharing her work and gaining clients in the process.

Why Adi Rocks!

Adi Cohen is a global citizen, and to the best of her knowledge, the first architect to be living a nomadic lifestyle while working.

She’s the founder of THE NEW MOVEMENT, an architecture studio that designs one-of-a-kind projects worldwide. Her design approach aims to fuel creativity and promote wellbeing.

In her podcast, Go Out & Talk To Strangers, she hosts founders, entrepreneurs and extremely talented people from all over the world to share their stories, experiences and insights.

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